Sunday, March 29, 2009

Italian-language blog discovered

One of my favorite things, when I have the time, is getting lost on the internet...clicking on one link, then another, just to see where I wind up. Well, this morning, through one click then another, I discovered a blog by Dianne Hales called Becoming Italian Word by Word. For anyone learning Italian it's great fun...and even if you're not, it's interesting. Words are taught by association. One post has lots of expressions based on "padre" (father) for example, another with expressions around the word "pane" (bread). Dianne Hales is an author and journalist with a long list of credits. She has a book coming out in the May called La Bella Lingua and I have a feeling I'll be adding it to my collection.


Claudia said...

I like to click on and on in the internet seeing where it leads me. It's probably a frustrated desire to travel through unknown roads and find places that aren't one gigantic strip mall. I also read Italian blogs even though I can only pick out every tenth word - if that!

Jane said...

Diane, what a fun site. I think I'll need to spend some time on it. Thanks!

Jennyff said...

Thats a useful link. I haven't been to Italian class for ages now, it got a bit too much. I like to think if I spent any length of time in the country I'd become fluent. I'll just keep thinking that!

Diane said...

Thanks ladies for leaving comments--and enjoy the site. Learning new expressions in a context (all having the word "bread" in them for example) makes it easier. I'm even finding ones my husband (who is Italian but was out of Italy for 35 years) doesn't know!

Unknown said...

I've been running ragged with our children and Spanish exchange student. Just heard about the quake and am worried about you guys. Please let me know that you're ok. ~Rita

Anonymous said...

I discovered her site earlier on in the year. I'm still moving towards fluency. I love the concept of learning Italian word by word.

Passante said...

Per chi vuol' imparare francese, c'รจ anche French Word a Day:

Susan said...

It is really an easy and interesting guide to learning Italian "becomingitalianwordbyword".

I really needed to learn Italian as we offer translation services done by experts offcourse, but learning the language is really helpful in understanding the clients.

Nice style of writing you have..

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody!!! I am an Italian teacher fron Tuscany,
If you would like to learn Italian
please have a look at:

Ruby said...

I used to get lost too. Whether it be online or in the city, it helps me clear my head. Science Camp